The student news site of Olentangy Liberty High School.

Patriot Press

The student news site of Olentangy Liberty High School.

Patriot Press

The student news site of Olentangy Liberty High School.

Patriot Press

Sales of Nintendo Consoles Plummet

The gaming industry has boomed in recent years especially during COVID-19. But ever since then many gaming companies have reported a decline in sales.
Nintendo has been hit the hardest as stock prices dropped over 10 percent in April. Sony also dropped 7 percent.
Nintendo has since delayed the release of an anticipated console, the Nintendo Switch 2 and fans are upset.
Recent Nintendo stock prices sit at $13.42 USD but prices continue to drop as fans remain upset over the company’s latest delays and releases.
Which begs the question, are we witnessing the end of a gaming giant? Fans all around the world hope not but recent sales and stocks show otherwise.
“The games aren’t as interesting as they used to be,” said Niko Maronitis ‘27.
The last time Nintendo released a game that rose into popularity and Nintendo’s top 10 switch games of all time was “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom” back in May of 2023. Leading many fans to believe that Nintendo has not been releasing as good of games as they used to when the Nintendo Switch was released.
While the gaming community waits to see what Nintendo’s next game is, and what the company will do to see the playerbase return to the console.
Many people wonder if one of the most famous consoles will ever return to popularity, due to many quitting the console and some quitting gaming all together
“I used to play on my brother’s Nintendo Switch daily,” said Maronitis. “But recently my brother or I haven’t played on it in over a year.”


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