Is Bopdrop a Bop?

September 14, 2022
Music is a great equalizer between people, it’s something that builds relationships. A love for the same artist or song gives people a personal connection to each other. Going to concerts and supporting artists, especially online, is something that brings a fan base and the people in it together.
“It [Bopdrop] gives me a community to share the thing that makes me the most happy in life- music! So others can discover and enjoy my favorite songs as much as I do,” says user totebagenjoyer.
Bopdrop, launched in 2020, is a unique social media platform that allows users to share their music taste in a community like environment. It takes pride in being different from other social media by not being about showing off your life and instead being based solely on your music taste. This format connects accounts all across the platform.
We sent Bopdrop’s Instagram a direct message asking what’s the purpose of Bopdrop. “The purpose of Bopdrop is to create a great experience for music-lovers – connecting people this way makes it easier for people to share & discover music,” says Bopdrop. “In turn, it facilitates music discovery & vice versa.”
When you first download the app, you are asked to pick your favorite genres, artists, and top 3 songs. Then you’re directed to their for you page which shows people’s posts with similar music taste to you. Many people compare the platform to other social media app BeReal where you postone picture of whatever you are doing at that time everyday. Bopdrop lets you post one to two times a day (once before noon and once after). However instead of posting pictures, you post songs!
“We have a for you page that helps people connect based on genres they select in their music profile. It’s relatively easy to find people that like your type of music!” Bopdrop says.
Authenticity of people is a main selling point of a lot of social media platforms. However in most cases that is the opposite of what you find on an app. Instagram and other social media’s showcase unrealistic standards and expectations that most of the time are fake. On the app Bopdrop you don’t even have to put a profile picture of yourself, and can’t post photos at all. The whole point of the app is to represent yourself through the songs you post and the captions that go along with it. You can talk about a terrible day you had or wonderful news you received but never actually have to reveal your face.
“Bopdrop is my little safe haven. It’s the perfect app where people aren’t pressured into posting their ‘highlights’ but more like a daily diary for music lovers,”says user marianaa_. “I love seeing a range of human emotion in the captions too. It’s really comforting to see what we all really think and feel when no one we know is actually watching!”
All music lovers are welcome on the Bopdrop app, with no judgment for the songs you post. The algorithm that the platform uses gives you songs on your page that are specifically made for your personal likes.
“To me, sharing music you love has always felt like a particularly vulnerable act,” says user dtroops. “It’s really neat to have an app where that’s the hook, where the facade of perfection encouraged by other social media platforms is, instead, replaced with sincerity.”
Setting itself apart from other social media platforms, Bopdrop has created its own niche. While it’s still a growing platform in terms of popularity, the people on it have created a community for themselves based upon a collective love for music.
“It’s the only place where I know me and a million other people have one thing in common and it’s our love for music,” says user daiisy.