Bake at 400º F for about 30 minutes or until golden brown (or according to the puff pastry package), checking every so often to ensure the rolls don’t over bake. Once out of the oven, immediately top each roll with a piece of chocolate.
Gather your ingredients; 1 package of puff pastry, 3-4 king sized Hershey's milk chocolate bars, 3-4 graham cracker sheets, marshmallow fluff (to taste), ½ cup heavy whipping cream (not pictured)
Olivia Bachman is a fifteen-year-old sophomore at Olentangy Liberty High School. It is her second year in the journalism program and her first year as part of The Cannon and Patriot Press staff. Olivia runs cross country and track for the high school. She loves country music and listening to artists like Taylor Swift and Zach Bryan. She enjoys reading, and her favorite genres are romance and historical fiction. She is looking forward to writing about trending topics this year as a part of the staff.