In order to get college credit for AP Government, students not only need to get a three or above on the exam. They need to complete a civics project.
This civic project allows students to show what they have learned in the course. This includes showing ways of political participation.
For students to get their civic credit, they can volunteer at the voter registration drive that will be held at some point in the future. Students can also volunteer at the polls, on November 5th. If students miss those opportunities, to get their civic credit they can always go to a Powell city council meeting.
To show that a student has participated in one of these events, they must get a photo of themselves participating in the event. When going to a Powell city meeting, students need to get a photo with a council member. When at the polls, or the voter registration drive, students can get a photo with an event organizer or have a picture taken of them working at said event.
Once a student has a photo, they can email it to Mr. Ebie. Where it will be posted on the Olentangy Liberty Civics page on twitter.