Reviewing Honors Biology and Chemistry Double Block
December 14, 2022
OLHS has had an option to take both honors biology and honors chemistry as an option sophomore year. There are some ups but definitely some down as well. Double block is a lot of workload in general, you’re lucky if you don’t get homework. The schedule is nice though. Based on which class you have first you will have that class for 2 periods straight Monday and Wednesday and the other honors science on Tuesday and Thursday. On Friday, there is no double blocking period and it will only be one period(like a normal schedule).
Like stated before, there is a lot of homework in these classes and there are quite a few quizzes in honors biology. After every lecture in biology you will need to write some learning targets. Make sure you understand because those targets sure lower your grade. It’s so hard to get a good grade on them just like lab work in chemistry. Although the work is rough, that is the only thing that is rough about it! The quizzes aren’t hard and the tests are easy if you prepare for them. The two teachers who teach the classes, Ellis and Johnson make sure to space out the tests and quizzes so they don’t clash but sometimes they do…so be prepared.
Overall the classes are easier than taking them both separately because its not as much in depth work but its not a free or easy A, paying attention in those classes is a vital part to doing good. I enjoy the classes though and both of the teachers are pretty lenient. Just make sure you don’t get behind and you should be okay! I’d rate the double block on an honors scale a 7.5/10.