Liberty Student goes Viral over Half-time Performance

Written by: Ryan Schwieger

Jack Hamburger ’24, preforming blindfolded during the Patriots Football half-time show. (Tyler Dobrydnio)

Jack Hamburger, a Junior at Olentangy Liberty, has gone viral over a video of him performing blindfolded during Liberty Football’s half-time show. 


“I think it’s crazy just how much this video has blown up, I never imagined one of my performances would go this big,” said Hamburger.


Hamburger, a section leader for the Marching Band’s drumline, has been drumming since 7th grade. His performance was a part of what is called “Jig 2,” which is a popular drum cadence performed by drumlines all around the nation (cadences are a type of drum cheer). 


“Jig 2 was a cadence written for Oak Mountain High School that ended up blowing up on Youtube and now schools everywhere play it. It’s a really enjoyable cadence to play and for people who don’t know anything about drumming to watch.” 


More impressively, Hamburger had reportedly never practiced this before, and decided to do it impromptu 5 minutes before the show. 


“I had done it upside down last year and a lot of people told me to do it blindfolded. One of my friends at the game was wearing a headband so I just asked him if I could use it as a blindfold.”


Tyler Dobrydnio captured his performance, which Hamburger then posted onto his account on Instagram. From there the video gained instant popularity, being reposted by celebrity Jennifer Garner and by ESPN’s Sportscenter. The video as of now has over 3.2 million likes and 47.1 million views just from Hamburger’s account alone.  


“I post those videos to look back on my progress in the future, but I never expected so many people to see and enjoy this video”


Hamburger hopes to be able to use the newfound popularity to raise more money for the music boosters and bring more funding to the Marching Band. You can donate to their booster with this link.



See the video and follow @hamburger_drumming on Instagram