Within the next couple of weeks, Olentangy Liberty’s Teen Eco Summit Squad will be working to implement paper recycling for teachers in classrooms. This plan is part of their annual Conservation Action Plan in an effort to make the school and community a more sustainable environment.
A couple of years ago, Liberty got rid of paper recycling, making it inaccessible to students and staff. Although it is unconfirmed as to why, it is speculated that this removal of recycling was due to issues with people misusing the recycling dumpsters outside of the school.
Since the district is currently not providing a company to collect and transport paper recycling from our school, Teen Eco is taking it upon themselves to handle this task. They are currently in the works of organizing the initiative, but it should be launching to selective hallways within the next few weeks.
To begin their action plan, they will start implementing paper recycling one hallway at a time to measure its demand.
As a few reminders, Teen Eco wants to remind staff and students that tissues and plastic are not permitted in the recycling bins. Misplacing a prohibited material in these recycling bins can potentially void the entire dumpster unusable at recycling plants.